Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Daily Quizizz - Have a go.

                                     NZ General Knowledge Quiz

Into week 2 and one of the most popular parts of our day seems to be the daily Quizizz Challenge.  The first one was an Anzac Quizz.  Parent's and students are welcome and it seems like  there are a few having multiple attempts at being top dog.  Come online and have a go.  At the time of writing this blog it seems like 'Jacks Mum' is in the lead of the Anzac Quiz.   Have a look at the links above to join us.  This is a challenge to the other classes.


1 comment:

  1. Tēnā anō kautau e te akomanga Kereru o te kura o Kaniere,

    Ka rawe o kautau mahi pātaitaitanga, rawe hoki te pānui i whakamahi e ngā mātua i ngā mahi pātaitaitanga. Ko o kautau pātaitaitanga tuatahi e pā ana ki te Rā o ngā Hōia, i tēnei wiki ka aro mātau ki Te Hokowhitu a Tū, te kimi mōhiohio me te rapu hononga o Te Hokowhitu a Tū ki a mātau. Tētahi o ngā hononga, ā ko te Kamupene C (ko ngā Kaupoi) o rō Te Hokowhitu a Tū, nō te takiwā o te Tairāwhiti taua Kamupene, nō te Tairāwhiti hoki mātau. Te take i tapaina i taua ingoa, Kamupene C - Ngā Kaupoi, nā runga i te mea, ko ngā hōiho te waka o ia wā, ia rā. Noho ora, haumaru hoki ki a kautau katoa.

    Kia Ora Room Kereru of Kaniere School,

    Your quiz is fantastic, it's fabulous to read that parents are also partaking in the quiz too. Your first quiz was about Anzac Day, this week we're looking at Te Hokowhitu a Tū - Māori Battalion, we're gathering information and we're identifying the connections we have to the Māori Battalion. One connection is Company C (Cowboys) within the Māori Battalion, that Company is from this area of the East Coast (of the North Island) and we're also from the Coast. The reason why it was given that name, C Company - Cowboys, is because horses were the common use of transport. Stay well & safe.


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.