Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Science Roadshow.

On Monday we all jumped on a bus and went to visit the Science Roadshow at Hokitika Primary School.  It was a wonderful experience with a show at the start and end of the visit and workstations in between where you could experience all sorts of scientific tasks and challenges.
One of the best workstations was the Wind Force workstation that looked at the force of the wind and friction.
The Boys seemed to really love the augers and conveyer belts where you had to get stainless steel ball bearings around the circuit.

Each workstation really made us think.  The Earthquake simulation showed us how buildings could be built to better handle earthquakes.


  1. Tēnā kautau te rūma Kereru o te kura o Kaniere,

    Ngā mihi nunui ki a kautau katoa.
    Te mīharo hoki te wheako i ngā tūmomo akoranga Pūtaiao kei te Science Roadshow. Kāore e kore te kaiora o te mahi tōpana, waku me te hau. Ki tō mātau rohe o te Tairāwhiti e kite ana i te mahi o te hau e waku ana i te moana. Ka kite i te nekehanga o te horanga o te wai, nō reira he pai te mahi tōpana, waku me te hau mō a mātau kaiauheke, kia āhei rātau te auheke tere ki rō wai.

    Kia Ora rūma Kereru of Kaniere School,

    Many Greetings to you all.
    What a brilliant experience you had with the science workshops at the Science Roadshow. No doubt the force, friction and wind workshop was impressive. In our area of the East Coast (of the North Island, NZ) we see the wind's friction on the sea. We see the water move because of the friction on the ocean's surface, therefore the force, friction & wind is enjoyed by our surfers to enable them to surf quickly.

    Kia Ora Ngā Manaakitanga.

  2. Kia Ora my name is Flynn and I'm from Kaniere School. I liked the way that that you showed photos and wrote about them. My question is have you done this before and if you did was it more fun than last time.


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.